At Chang Hong Trading we understand that running a practice is time consuming. Keeping on top of whether you are getting the best price for quality on your herbs and medicinal products can easily be disregarded, even though it can contribute to substantial savings each year. We aim to establish an open and honest relationship with our clients, and we value giving practitioners and herb buyers the ability to become as independent as possible when identifying quality. Kwok Shing Hong Medical Co. Ltd., our carefully selected supplier, is based in Hong Kong and is an internationally renowned supplier. With a long trading history and their famous brand ‘Double Horse’, Kwok Shing Hong has become very popular around the world. Owning on-site factories and processing facilities located in Shenzhen, they have passed the “international standard assessment of quality control for medications” (GMP).

About Us
At Chang Hong Trading we understand that running a practice is time consuming. Keeping on top of whether you are getting the best price for quality on your herbs and medicinal products can easily be disregarded, even though it can contribute to substantial savings each year. We aim to establish an open and honest relationship with our clients, and we value giving practitioners and herb buyers the ability to become as independent as possible when identifying quality. Kwok Shing Hong Medical Co. Ltd., our carefully selected supplier, is based in Hong Kong and is an internationally renowned supplier. With a long trading history and their famous brand ‘Double Horse’, Kwok Shing Hong has become very popular around the world. Owning on-site factories and processing facilities located in Shenzhen, they have passed the “international standard assessment of quality control for medications” (GMP).
Highest Quality
All of our products are GMP approved, quality is guarranted by international standard assessment of quality contor for medications.
Extensive Range
One stop shopping for raw herbs, powder, health products and health food.
Competitive Price
High Quality of Chinese Herbs